A New Tack
Mental illness among the young is reaching epidemic levels, and barely a day goes by without another story of loss and devastation hitting the news. For sufferers and their loved ones, it is often difficult to look beyond their personal misery and focus on the many stories offering hope and inspiration.
This is particularly true in the early years after diagnosis. Plans for the future are destroyed. GCSEs, A-Levels, a university degree all suddenly seem unobtainable. Youngsters are forced to sit on the sidelines and watch as their friends move on with their bright lives full of opportunity. Meanwhile, they themselves are left behind to deal with the despair of their broken, directionless existence. Parents are thrown into turmoil.
Happy Birthday Barbie.

Until recently, the last I heard of Barbie was the debate surrounding how the dolls promoted an unhealthy body image in young girls. I can’t say I took too much notice, as quite frankly I had more important things to focus on once I transitioned out of toy-playing age.